Summer Housing

We invite students taking Summer Session courses to stay in one of our single or double-bedroom apartments on campus. Each apartment is furnished with air conditioning, carpeting, full kitchens, and utilities. Students receive a twin-sized bed, mattress, dresser, desk and chair, private telephone line, and a separate data line.
Students will need to bring their own telephone, computer, television, desk lamp, cooking utensils, pillow, linens and all other personal household items. Laundry and vending services are centrally located within the community.
Summer 2024 Housing Fees
Session | Date | Fees |
Interim Housing | May 22 - May 25 | $160.00 |
Session I only | May 26 - July 5 | $1640.00 |
Session II only | July 7 - August 16 | $1640.00 |
Sessions I and II | May 26 - August 16 | $3360.00 |
Maryland English Institute | June 2 - July 19 | $1920.00 |
8 Week Session Only | May 26 - July 19 | $2200.00 |
Additional Information
We encourage students to apply early to reserve their space on campus. If the number of students requesting summer session housing exceeds our capacity, we use the following housing priority:
- Session I and II registrants
- Session I only registrants or Session II only registrants
- All other registrants. (Please Note: Students registered for Session I-A and/or I-B must sign up for six-week Session I housing to receive priority for summer 2024 housing. Students registered for Session II-C and/or II-D must sign up for six-week Session II housing in order to receive priority for summer 2024 housing.)

Students who submit the Summer 2024 Residence Halls Agreement forms early will receive priority consideration for single rooms, roommate preferences, other assignment preferences, and interim occupancy. We will then consider housing agreements based on their date-received order until all available rooms have been filled. We will send students an email notification of assignment, which will be available 7 to 10 days prior to the start of your Summer Session classes.
On-Campus Summer Housing Schedule
Date | Information |
Monday, April 22 | Deadline to cancel Session I Summer 2024 Residence Halls Agreement without financial obligation. Resident Life Assignments Office must receive written cancellation by 4:00 p.m. |
Friday, May 3 | Deadline to submit Summer 2024 Residence Halls Agreement for single room lottery and for best consideration of other housing requests. |
Sunday, May 26 | Residence halls are open at 10:00 a.m. for Session I residents to check in to rooms. |
Wednesday, May 29 | Students not checked in by noon will have housing cancelled and a "no show" cancellation charge of $540 is assessed. |
Sunday, June 2 | Residence halls are open at 10:00 a.m. for Maryland English Institute (MEI) residents to check in to rooms. |
Monday, June 3 | Deadline to cancel Session II Summer 2024 Residence Halls Agreement without financial obligation; Resident Life Assignments Office must receive written cancellation by 4:00 p.m. |
Wednesday, June 5 | MEI residents who are not checked in will have their housing cancelled and a "no show" cancellation charge of $540 is assessed. |
Friday, July 5 | Residents not staying for Summer Session II must vacate rooms by 7:00 p.m. |
Sunday, July 7 | Residence halls are open at 10:00 a.m. for Session II residents to check in to rooms. |
Tuesday, July 9 | Students not checked in by noon will have housing cancelled and a "no show" cancellation charge of $540 is assessed. |
Friday, July 19 | All MEI and 8-week only residents must vacate rooms by 7:00 p.m. |
Thursday, August 15 | All residents must vacate rooms by 7:00 p.m. (unless approved for a Late Stay). |
Friday, August 16 | All Late Stay residents and those transitioning to SCC, CTY or are Resident Life staff must vacate rooms by 7:00 p.m. |
Terms and Conditions
When the Agreement is signed by the student and confirmed by the University, this Agreement provides the student with the opportunity to live in a University summer residence hall, subject to all terms stated below. The student is also subject to responsibilities and processes set forth in the Code of Student Conduct, Undergraduate and/or Graduate Catalog, Summer Guide, and other relevant University documents.
Eligibility: Individuals must be: (1) registered students at the College Park Campus for the previous spring semester, Summer Session courses or for the upcoming fall semester, and (2) single students without dependents at the College Park Campus. No provisions are made for spouses or family members. Housing fees are charged to the student's University account and must be paid in full by the bill due date or the first day of classes for each session, whichever comes first.
Housing Priority: Housing confirmations/room assignments will be given in the following order: (1) Session I and II applicants, (2) Session I only applicants or Session II only applicants, (3) all other eligible applicants not enrolling for Summer Session. (Please Note: Students registered for Session I-A and/ or I-B must apply for six-week Session I housing in order to receive priority for Summer 2024 housing. Students registered for Session II-C and/or II-D must apply for six-week Session II housing in order to receive priority for Summer 2024 housing). Summer housing will be confirmed and applicants assigned on a space-available, non-guaranteed basis, and first-come first-served within these priority groups.
Occupancy Periods: Summer occupancy is available from May 26, 2024, to 4:00 p.m. August 16, 2024 for Session I and II registrants; from May 26, 2024 to 7:00 p.m. July 5, 2024 for Session I only; from May 26, 2024 to 7:00 p.m. July 19, 2024 for the 8 Week Session; from June 2, 2024 to 7:00 p.m. July 19, 2024 for the MEI program; from July 7, 2024 to 7:00 p.m. August 16, 2024 for Session II. Session II residents with Fall 2024 residence hall assignments may be approved to move directly to their Fall assignments on August 15, 2024 or earlier if necessary. Exact details about this move will be provided at a later date.
Liability: The University cannot and does not assume responsibility for personal accident, injury, or illness sustained by residents, guests or visitors, nor for the damage, theft, or loss of personal property. The student releases the University, its officers, agents and employees from any liability on account of any accident, injury, illness, property, damage, theft, or loss. The University recommends that students obtain private insurance against such harm or loss.
The University will provide the following services on a continual basis, although interruptions may be necessitated by an act of God, an order of a University/civil authority, limited or restricted control or availability of resources as determined by the University, maintenance activities, or other condition that is reasonably beyond administrative control. Services are provided in accordance with standards and levels of service determined by the University. It is the expectation of the University that services will be available and uninterrupted and that any disruption of services vital to the health and safety of residents will be restored within a reasonable amount of time.
The residential and telecommunication facilities are provided as services to students and are unique to the University environment. Therefore, the relationship between the student and the University is not a landlord/tenant relationship; rather this Agreement is a license to use certain facilities for a particular period of time.
Assignment of Building and Room
Resident Life does not discriminate in room or hall assignments or room changes on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, personal appearance, creed, physical or mental disability, or national origin. Except for cases that involve disciplinary action, summer housing does not affect an individual's request for housing in any subsequent academic term.
Available accommodations are in apartments (includes kitchen and dining area). Available spaces, especially singles, in each building type are limited. To ensure that these spaces are assigned as equitably as possible, all completed Agreements received with payment in full to the Office of the Bursar by the published priority deadline will be submitted in a lottery drawing for building and room types.
Agreements received after the priority deadline will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis for existing vacancies.
The University will provide each resident: bed, mattress, dresser, desk and chair set, wireless internet coverage, data and cable lines. The University will provide each student room with window blinds, closet(s), window screen, smoke detector and sprinkler (fire-suppressant).
Air Conditioning
The University will provide rooms in air-conditioned buildings. Unexpected and intermittent outages, should they occur, are beyond the University's control. While reasonable efforts will be made to correct any problems quickly and effectively, the University will not provide refunds or compensation for residents affected by such outages.
Utilities and Housekeeping
The University will provide heat, water, electricity, and waste disposal services. The University will remove trash from designated areas and will clean common hallways and public areas (except those located within resident apartments and suites) on a scheduled basis.
The University will make all repairs and perform maintenance in the residence hall and the resident's room with authorized personnel. Repairs to the room or University furnishings will occur upon request or in accordance with routine schedules. Repairs and maintenance activities shall be conducted under a system of priority scheduling.
The University provides basic telephone service in each room; students must provide a telephone. On-campus and local off campus phone calls may be made by residents without charge. Long distance service may be obtained via phone cards.
Care of Facilities
- The resident accepts responsibility and agrees to be held accountable for his/her actions, for the actions of his/her guest(s), and the proper use and care of the residential facilities, assigned space, common areas, and University property. The resident also agrees to report promptly any interruptions of service or needed repairs.
- The resident agrees to take reasonable action to protect residential facilities and property from wanton, reckless or negligent damage; refrain from encouraging or participating in activities which cause damage; report damages; and assist the University in identifying individuals responsible for damage, theft or loss.
- The resident, at the time of check-out from the residence hall, will return the assigned space and its University furnishings in the same condition as they were received, with the exception of reasonable wear and tear.
- The resident assumes responsibility for the appropriate use of safety and security hardware (e.g., locks, smoke detector) within his/her assigned residence hall space and building, and will immediately report loss of assigned key(s) or malfunctioning hardware.
- The resident shall conduct himself/herself in a manner which promotes a courteous, safe, and secure residence hall environment. The resident understands that his/her behavior should be conducive to the pursuit of academic goals, as well as individual and community development and welfare.
- The resident shall ensure that his/her roommate(s) will have access to and equitable use of the assigned space.
- Rules and regulations are intended to promote the safety and well-being of residents. They include but are not limited to prohibitions against: smoking in residences; cooking appliances; private air conditioners; flammable materials; weapons and fireworks; lofts and unauthorized modifications of assigned space; pets; duplication and transfer of University keys; disruptive/destructive behavior; behavior such as intimidation or harassment which threatens the property, safety, security, health, or well-being of others; improper use of fire/safety or building security equipment; and threats to or interference with University staff in the performance of their duties. Violation of rules and regulations can constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement.
- When it is determined by Resident Life that a student has violated State or Federal laws and/or University rules and regulations, and when such conduct indicates that the student constitutes a threat to the safety, health, or well-being of community members or of himself/herself, disciplinary and/or administrative action, including termination of this Agreement, may be taken.
Use of/Change of Assigned Space
- The resident agrees that a change of assignment may be made only with the written approval of Resident Life in accordance with established room change procedures.
- The resident agrees:
- to live only in the space to which he/she has been officially assigned;
- not to sublet or otherwise use or grant use of the assigned space, residence hall common areas, or grounds for any unauthorized purpose; and
- not to sell, solicit, or conduct a business enterprise therein without the written permission of Resident Life's Assignments Office.
- If a vacancy occurs in the assigned room, the remaining resident(s) agrees to follow established procedures for the reassignment of another student to that space.
- When vacating an assigned space, the resident must complete established check-out procedures.
- Resident Life reserves the right to move a resident from one space to another in order to:
- meet its responsibilities to student health, safety, and well-being;
- maintain, operate, or renovate facilities;
- reassign rooms to students of the opposite sex; or
- consolidate groups of residents for reasons of security or closing a portion of a residence hall.
A guest may stay in the assigned space only with the concurrence of the roommates(s) and for no more than three consecutive nights. Resident Life may invoke limitations of the guest privileges. Guest(s) must abide by established University/Resident Life regulations.
Safety and Security
The resident agrees to take primary responsibility for his/her own safety and security and for the safety and security of his/her residence hall community. The University and Resident Life will work cooperatively with residents to promote a safe and secure environment. The resident agrees to read and abide by security policies and precautions stated in University publications.
Room Entry, Inspection, and Property Removal
- The University reserves the right to enter rooms for purposes of
- improvements;
- inspection and maintenance;
- recovery of University/State-owned property which is not authorized for use in the assigned space;
- fire and safety inspection; and
- actions necessary to insure the safety, health and general welfare of the resident or others and/or the protection of University or student property.
- A resident's request for maintenance and repair constitutes his/her consent for room entry. While entry without notice may be necessary, attempts will be made to provide prior notification whenever feasible.
- The University respects the resident's right to privacy within his/her room. When entry or inspection is required, reasonable consideration will be given.
- The University reserves the right to remove and dispose of any personal property remaining in a room following
- termination or expiration of this Agreement;
- the resident's separation by/from the University, and/or
- the date the resident officially checks out of the room. A charge for costs incurred by such removal may be assessed to the resident.
Liability for Damages
- The student will be assessed charges for damage, loss or special service (e.g., cleaning) due to misuse or abuse of his/her assigned space and the State property contained therein. When the assigned residence hall space is shared, and where the responsible student(s) fails to assume responsibility, an equal portion of the charges will be assessed to each occupant.
- Individual(s) identified as being responsible for damage, theft, loss, or special service (whether intentional or negligent) in common areas of the residential facilities will be assessed the cost of repair, replacement or restoration.
- When individual responsibility cannot be determined, and where deemed necessary by Resident Life, residents may be held collectively responsible for damage, theft, loss, or special service to the common areas or to University property within the residential facility.
Requests for release from this Agreement must be made in writing and directed specifically to Resident Life Assignments Office. Email is accepted at or letters may be sent to 1102 Annapolis Hall, College Park, MD 20742. You may fax release requests to 301-314-2026. NOTICE TO ANY OTHER UNIVERSITY OFFICE WILL NOT ENSURE RELEASE.
If notice is received after these dates, and before services are claimed at check-in (i.e. keys issued), the individual, regardless of his/her University status at the dates of release from this Agreement, will be charged as follows:
2024 Summer Session Housing Release Fees
Session I Notice
By | Amount |
April 15 | $0.00 |
April 16 – April 29 | $180.00 |
April 30 - May 13 | $360.00 |
No-show/No notice to Resident Life | $540.00 |
Session II Notice
By | Amount |
June 3 | $0.00 |
June 4 – June 17 | $180.00 |
June 18 - July 1 | $360.00 |
No-show/No notice to Resident Life | $540.00 |
Failure to Claim Services
When an individual:
- fails to properly claim the assigned space and has not secured release from this Agreement prior to the deadline for claiming services, or
- fails to notify the Resident Life Assignments Office of delayed arrival by 12 noon on the first University scheduled class day of the summer session (or within 72 hours of the receipt of assignment if assignment is made after the first class day), Resident Life will terminate this Agreement, and the individual, regardless of his/her University status, will be charged an amount equal to two weeks' housing fee.
Release After Claiming Services
Resident Life will release an individual from this Agreement after services are claimed without the individual incurring any financial obligation beyond charges associated with occupancy when Resident Life has received proof from the student of withdrawal from all summer sessions course work.
Submission of Agreement
Submission of this Agreement and an electronic signature via Resident Life's Web page has the same force and effect as submission of the Agreement by mail or in person. If requested, the resident will verify his/her signature and consent in writing to the Summer 2024 Residence Halls Agreement at check-in.
This agreement is made and entered into in the sovereign State of Maryland, and the operation of this license and all performance under this agreement shall occur in Prince George's County, Maryland.
Termination of Agreement
Resident Life may terminate this Agreement at any time and require the individual to forfeit the assigned space when:
- it is determined that information furnished by the individual or parent/guardian for the purpose of obtaining residence hall services is substantially incomplete, misleading, or false in whole or in part;
- it is determined that an individual for whatever reason, is not eligible to reside in the building (e.g. not registered for Summer Session, has not paid summer housing fees and/or an outstanding debt with the University);
- it is determined that the student has violated housing rules, and may also be denied continued access to any University residential facility; or
- University facilities are found to be inadequate in number or physical condition.
Credits and Refunds
Release from this Agreement must be secured from Resident Life Assignments office before any approved credit of housing or telecommunication fees may be initiated. Appropriate housing and telecommunication charges are assessed for services from the week during which services must be claimed through the week during which check-out is completed. Failure to check out by the approved date will decrease the amount of credit. No credit is approved if check-out occurs during the last three weeks of each session or if the occupancy period is three weeks or less. Refund, if due, must be requested in writing from the Office of the Bursar.
For more information regarding Summer Housing, please contact the Resident Life Assignments Office at (301) 314-2100 or by e-mail at: